We'll Be Your Guide to Staffing Success

  • Flexible contract staffing
  • Top-tier direct-hire recruiting
  • Employer of record services
  • 50+ years of experience
Contracted engineering at work.

Contract Staffing

With flexible access to skilled professionals for project-based or short-term needs, our contract staffing services in San Diego enable your business to adapt quickly to market changes without the overhead of permanent hires. This approach reduces costs and enhances operational agility, with our expertise ensuring efficient project completion and driving business success.

Direct-hire placement working inside an office.

Direct Hire

Our direct hire recruitment streamlines the process of securing top talent, saving you time and resources. We tap into our vast network and expertise to find candidates who fit your skill needs and company culture, ensuring a seamless integration and long-term contribution. This focused approach lets you concentrate on your business while we efficiently manage recruitment, providing access to exceptional candidates ready to drive your success from the start.

Employer of Record

Our employer of record services streamline HR tasks like compliance, payroll, and tax filings, reducing your administrative burden. This allows you to focus on core business activities while minimizing risk and ensuring legal compliance. Trust us to handle these critical operations, freeing up resources for your company's growth and innovation.

Our Industries

Industries We Specialize In

Our Mission

To enrich lives by helping companies build high-performing teams and helping people find meaningful work.

Care for Others

  • Leave people better off
  • Serve with humility
  • Enjoy the journey together

Be Trustworthy

  • Do the right thing now
  • Be courageous enough to tell the truth with grace
  • Inspire confidence

Raise the Bar

  • Pursue excellence
  • Don't cut corners
  • Exude a can-do attitude

Our Values

More Than Just Services

As a premium staffing agency in San Diego since 1971, TriStaff has focused on building lasting partnerships rather than just offering services. At the core of TriStaff is our unwavering passion for serving our clients with integrity and excellence, a commitment that has deepened with every new partnership.

Our mission extends beyond business transactions; when you choose TriStaff, you're not just selecting a provider; you're partnering with a company that has a rich history, a commitment to excellence, and a dedication to making a positive impact in the world of work

About TriStaff 

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